SPM delivers online vibration analysis to soft calender at Stora Enso Kvarnsveden
The Stora Enso Kvarnsveden paper mill in central Sweden continues to expand its condition monitoring and is now investing in the Intellinova online system with vibration monitoring units for a calender at its paper machine PM10.
Stora Enso Kvarnsveden in Borlänge is one of Sweden’s largest paper mills, producing high quality improved newsprint and uncoated magazine paper - all tailored to individual customer requirements. The product range is well adapted to suit the majority of printing methods.
The Kvarnsveden mill is now investing in the multifunctional online system Intellinova with measuring units for vibration monitoring of a soft calender at the paper machine PM10. The new online system with a total of ninety-six available measurement channels will be installed continuously this fall.
Ulf Isaksson, Preventive Maintenance Supervisor, and Peter Forsström, vibration technician, say: "Since we already use well-functioning SPM systems on paper machine PM10, we want to continue to build on that. Yet another reason is that we feel that we receive very efficient service and support from SPM, and that during our project planning, we were well received and SPM quickly sent us their prices. The quick decision process and result was very positive.”
Calendering is a finishing process that in many cases completes the papermaking process. The purpose is to correct small irregularities in the paper and give it a smooth, glossy finish improves the printing characteristics of the paper. A calender is like a giant "ironing mangle". The calender at PM10 in Kvarnsveden is a so-called soft calender, where the paper runs between two pairs of rollers with one soft and one hard roller per pair, whose various frictional force on the paper provides the glossy surface.
Calendering is applied not only on paper but also occurs in other industries for the processing of certain fabrics, polymers and rubber to achieve a smooth surface.
In addition to PM10, which produces improved newsprint (often used for advertisements and inserts in newspapers), the Kvarnsveden paper mill has two more paper machines, PM8 and PM12. The latter is one of the largest and fastest paper machines in the world and holds the world record in the number of meters of paper produced per minute, with an average production of 1926 meters/minute over twenty-four hours.
Stora Enso Kvarnsveden also implements online vibration monitoring on the supercalender at PM8 with good results. Online monitoring and periodic measurements with portable instruments from SPM is done on selected measuring points throughout the pulp and paper mill; for example, bearing condition is monitored with SPM HD on several of the wire and wash presses which provide pulp for paper machine PM12.a